Tag: environment (page 1 of 2)

hot year

Earth temperature percentiles for September 2014. Dark red patches were record warmest, while lighter red patches were warmer than average. Image courtesy of the NOAA.

Earth temperature percentiles for September 2014. Dark red patches were record warmest, while lighter red patches were warmer than average. Image courtesy of the NOAA.

The trend continues. The hottest September on record follows the hottest August on record, according to data from the Nation Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. 2014 continues apace as the hottest year ever.

the warmest year on record?

Aug 2014 Climate Deviations

NOAA’s data indicate that temperatures were above historical norms in August across most of the globe.

2014 is shaping up to be the warmest year on record. Surprising to hear for us East Coasters, who enjoyed a mild summer. From Scientific American:

“If we continue a consistent departure from average for the rest of 2014, we will edge out 2010 as the warmest year on record,” said Jake Crouch, a climatologist with NOAA’sNational Climatic Data Center, during a press briefing Thursday.

“If we continue a consistent departure from average for the rest of 2014, we will edge out 2010 as the warmest year on record,” said Jake Crouch, a climatologist with NOAA’sNational Climatic Data Center, during a press briefing Thursday.

The NOAA report comes on the heels of NASA’s temperature data showed that August was the warmest August ever.

carbon dioxide, the ocean and mussels



Scientific American reports on the plight of mussels. The ocean is becoming more acidic as man-made carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase. This is having a devastating effect on mussels, making them weaker than before. From the article:

The strength of a mussel, the shellfish’s ability to grasp tightly to rocks, docks and ships despite crashing waves or prying fingers, is legendary. Scientists have even studied how mussels, using slender fibers called byssal threads that are simultaneously hard and stretchy, are able to cling so tight in a rough, wet environment, in hopes that humans could mimic that technology to create strong, flexible textiles.

Now, climate change is impairing that ability to cling. Researcher Michael O’Donnell, an ecologist at the University of Washington, has shown that ocean acidification, a process in which absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide lowers the pH of oceans, is weakening mussels’ byssal threads.

O’Donnell and his colleagues took bay mussels from San Juan Island, in the Puget Sound, and put them in chambers with seawater at different pH levels. They found that the mussel byssal threads grown in acidified conditions with a pH lower than 7.6 were 40 percent weaker than normal. The research was published Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change.
