Tag: Kepler

on the hunt for earth like planets

CHEOPS telescope illustration.

The hunt for Earth-like planets continues. A new telescope project is in development with the hopes to be launched sometime in 2017. From Popular Science.

The new telescope is called CHEOPS, for CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite, although it is not shaped like a pyramid. Its targets will be nearby stars that are known to harbor planets. Like Kepler, it will use the transit method of hunting planets, looking for blips in star brightness to tell if something is orbiting around them. This will allow more accurate measurements of a given planet’s radius.

Astronomers know the masses of several planets, partly through observations that measure how the planets affect the wobbling of their stars. Given a radius and a mass, you can figure out density, and this will give clues about the planet’s internal makeup. This will help astronomers learn how other planets form, especially the rocky super-Earths.

Measurements like this will help characterize Earth-scale planets like the one around the Alpha Centauri system, which astronomers announced last week. CHEOPS is just one in a handful of super-precise, powerful telescopes slated to start observing in the next few years, which astronomers believe could finally pinpoint whether life exists elsewhere in the cosmos. For instance: “I think it is realistic to expect to be able to infer within a few decades whether a planet like Earth has oxygen/ozone in its atmosphere, and if it is covered with vegetation,” Martin Rees, Britain’s Astronomer Royal, told Reuters.

other-worldly posts

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In the quest to find other Earth-like planets, researchers have come across 1,091 possible new planets. These new finds are called Kepler Objects of Interest or KOIs, because they were found using NASA’s Kepler space telescope. The research team is extremely optimistic about the project expecting up to 90% of the new finds to be real planets, with approximately 196 Earth-size planet candidates. The project still has a long way to completion though. Confirmation of new planets is a lengthy process that can take anywhere from 6 months to a year.

[Source] National Geographic
