Tag: Science (page 1 of 2)

is science still reliable?

The Economist brings an interesting report on the current state of scientific research. Studies are becoming harder to reproduce:

But irreproducibility is much more widespread. A few years ago scientists at Amgen, an American drug company, tried to replicate 53 studies that they considered landmarks in the basic science of cancer, often co-operating closely with the original researchers to ensure that their experimental technique matched the one used first time round. According to a piece they wrote last year in Nature, a leading scientific journal, they were able to reproduce the original results in just six. Months earlier Florian Prinz and his colleagues at Bayer HealthCare, a German pharmaceutical giant, reported in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, a sister journal, that they had successfully reproduced the published results in just a quarter of 67 seminal studies.

They also note that there is little incentive to even try these replications studies:

Such headlines are rare, though, because replication is hard and thankless. Journals, thirsty for novelty, show little interest in it; though minimum-threshold journals could change this, they have yet to do so in a big way. Most academic researchers would rather spend time on work that is more likely to enhance their careers. This is especially true of junior researchers, who are aware that overzealous replication can be seen as an implicit challenge to authority. Often, only people with an axe to grind pursue replications with vigour—a state of affairs which makes people wary of having their work replicated.

There are ways, too, to make replication difficult. Reproducing research done by others often requires access to their original methods and data. A study published last month in PeerJ by Melissa Haendel, of the Oregon Health and Science University, and colleagues found that more than half of 238 biomedical papers published in 84 journals failed to identify all the resources (such as chemical reagents) necessary to reproduce the results. On data, Christine Laine, the editor of the Annals of Internal Medicine, told the peer-review congress in Chicago that five years ago about 60% of researchers said they would share their raw data if asked; now just 45% do. Journals’ growing insistence that at least some raw data be made available seems to count for little: a recent review by Dr Ioannidis which showed that only 143 of 351 randomly selected papers published in the world’s 50 leading journals and covered by some data-sharing policy actually complied.

Correcting this situation is critical for the future of science.

my science fair projects were never this cool

2013 Google Science Fair winners

2013 Google Science Fair winners

Google has announced the winners of their 2013 science fair:

  • Viney Kumar designed a program that lets drivers know when emergency vehicles are approaching. Hopefuly the program will be able to communicate with cars or drivers through cell phone signals.
  • Ann Makosinski developed a flashlight that gets power when you hold it. By using Peltier tiles,  the difference in temperature between your hand and the ambient air can generate enough power to provide light without any need for batteries
  • Eric Chen was the grand prize winner. He developed a computer model to generate new anti-influenza drugs. The molecules are inhibitors of endonuclease activity and might be active against all flu strains.

These are some smart kids! Read more about their projects here, at the Google Science Fair site and at the Google blog.


crowd-funding science


The NPR points out a new trend in science – turning to the internet to raise funds for research. Scientist are starting to turn to sites like Kickstarter to look for funding for some of their projects:

People’s fascination with their inner workings may provide a new way for scientists to raise money for basic research. Just ask the folks at uBiome and American Gut.

Both are basic science projects aimed at understanding how microbiomes influence health. And in return for funding from individuals, both will provide donors with an analysis of the bacteria in their very own digestive track.

Using the Internet to crowd fund, the uBiome and American Gut projects have together raised more than $600,000.

Researchers are saying that it allows them to engage more with the public, which may lead to questions that they had never thought of.

“There’s something magical that happens with crowd funding where you start getting 500 emails from people telling you, ‘well, does it do this?’ Or, ‘what about that?’ Or, ‘why doesn’t it do that?’ And that really helps you refine what you’re doing and understand better what people’s questions and needs are,” Richman says.

More here.
