Month: January 2013 (page 5 of 5)

drink hot chocolate from orange mugs

You’ll probably think it tastes better. According to this study highlighted in Popular Science:

In what may have been the easiest volunteer experiment ever, 57 people had to drink hot chocolate served in four different types of cups. They were all plastic and the same size, but were either white, cream, red or orange with white inside. The tasters reported the chocolate tasted better in the cream-colored and orange cups.

The color had nothing to do with this difference, neither physically nor chemically, but apparently the drinkers’ brains thought they detected a difference, according to Betina Piqueras-Fiszman, a researcher at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain. The study references other similar findings–like the perception that yellow packaging improves lemon flavor, or that blue drinks appear to be more thirst-quenching than red ones.

More here.

antibiotics in panda blood

May 3, 2011: National Zoo female giant panda Mei Xiang.

Researchers have discovered a powerful antibiotic in the bloodstream of giant pandas. From The Telegraph:

Scientists have discovered that the animals, of which there are around 1,600 in the wild, produce a powerful antibiotic in their blood stream that kills bacteria and fungi.

They believe the substance could be used to create potent new treatments against drug resistant superbugs and other diseases.

The antibiotic is thought to be released by the bear’s immune system to protect them infections when they are living in the wild. Researchers discovered the compound, known as cathelicidin-AM, after analysing the panda’s DNA.

The Chinese researchers found that the cathelicidin-AM, which is produced by immune cells in the animal’s blood, was found to kill bacteria in less than an hour while other well known antibiotics took more than six hours.

Ed Yong lists reasons why no new drugs will likely come from the discovery.
