Category: Policy (page 1 of 2)

cleaning lakes

The nitrogen and phosphorus cycles in lakes are linked. Limits in phosphorus content help reduce algal blooms but make it harder for the lake to remove nitrate pollution naturally.

Science magazine recently reported on the linkage between nitrogen and phosphorus cycles in lakes.

Phosphorus pollution can lead to the buildup of algae in lakes and streams, making them unappealing for swimming and fishing. For this reason, phosphorus levels are actively managed to make freshwater bodies more attractive for recreational use. Reducing phosphorus levels has succeeded in reducing algae blooms, but also at least one unforeseen side-effect: it becomes more difficult to remove reactive nitrogen from those same bodies of water. This leaves water that appears cleaner, but is actually even more polluted with nitrogen.

The phosphorus and nitrogen cycles in lakes are linked. Although phosphorus content limits algae growth, the organisms consume at least 40 times more nitrogen. The algae convert reactive nitrogen (in the form of nitrates, or NO3) into inert nitrogen gas (N2), which can be released into the atmosphere or deposited in lake sediments. In this way, algal blooms function as nitrogen sinks removing nitrate pollution from the water. So as phosphorus levels in a lake increase, algae remove nitrogen more quickly. And if phosphorus supply declines, the algae population declines, and there is no mechanism to remove excess nitrates from the water.

In a recent Science paper, Finlay et al. analyzed the relationship between phosphorus content and nitrate removal in a sample of 101 lakes. The researchers compared the difference in the amount of nitrogen that enters a lake and the amount that is found in downstream rivers or creeks. This allowed them to determine how much nitrogen is removed from the lake. By correlating this data with the concentration of phosphorus over time, they were able to show that decreases in phosphorus are linked to slower rates of nitrogen removal. Further analysis revealed lakes with higher phosphorus levels not only removed nitrogen faster, but did so more efficiently. That is, a lake with a high phosphorus content removed a larger percentage of nitrate inputs than one with a low phosphorus content. This remains true even after compensating for the slower removal rate in the lake with low phosphorus content.

Futhermore, a closer look at only large lakes in the data set indicates that nitrogen levels have increased over time as their phosphorus concentrations have been actively managed. These data reveal that lake environments without the appropriate amount of phosphorus are unable to turn over reactive nitrogen species causing a build up of nitrates over time.

Nitrate pollution control is an increasing concern of environmentalists. Humans generate greater amounts of nitrogen waste each year from fossil fuel combustion, fertilizer usage, crop fixation and other activities. This waste is often buried in freshwater systems, imposing challenges on underwater plant and animal populations, as well as communities who rely on lakes for their drinking water. While phosphorus pollution is controlled to limit algal blooms, nitrate pollution has proliferated, creating these unforeseen challenges. At present, no scientific authorities advocate removal of phosphorus pollution controls as a solution to these problems. And the results of this study suggest a more holistic approach to phosphorus and nitrogen pollution instead of focusing on one variable at a time. As phosphorus pollution is already well managed, future solutions should focus on controlling nitrate pollution and maintaining the proper balance of nitrogen and phosphorus levels, to allow a lake to effectively clear pollution.

graphene desalination



We’ve mentioned the wonders of graphene a number of times on this blog. Lockheed Martin is now trying to add another: large scale desalination of sea water. They are in the process of developing a prototype to produce drinking water from sea water using a graphene filter. From NBC News:

A defense contractor better known for building jet fighters and lethal missiles says it has found a way to slash the amount of energy needed to remove salt from seawater, potentially making it vastly cheaper to produce clean water at a time when scarcity has become a global security issue.

The process, officials and engineers at Lockheed Martin say, would enable filter manufacturers to produce thin carbon membranes with regular holes about a nanometer in size that are large enough to allow water to pass through but small enough to block the molecules of salt in seawater. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter.

Because the sheets of pure carbon known as graphene are so thin — just one atom in thickness — it takes much less energy to push the seawater through the filter with the force required to separate the salt from the water, they said.

The prototype is expected to be completed by the end of this year. Lockheed Martin hopes to be able to commercialize the product sometime in 2014 or 2015.

publicly funded research should be accessible to the public


The Obama administration is calling for more access to publicly funded research. From the New York Times:

In a memorandum issued on Friday, John P. Holdren, science adviser to President Obama, called for scientific papers that report the results of federally financed research to become freely accessible within a year or so after publication. The findings are typically published in scientific journals, many of which are open only to paying subscribers.

The new policy would apply to federal agencies, including the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy and the Department of Agriculture, that finance more than $100 million a year of research. The agencies have six months to submit plans for how they would carry out the new policy.

The hope is that broad access to scientific results will encourage faster progress on research and will let anyone apply the knowledge for technological advances.
