Tag: astronomy

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Some pictures from the Mars rover Curiosity

Layers of Mount Sharp

Rover tracks in outerspace


Mount Sharp

Many more pictures at http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/images/



planets and moons collide


Venus, Jupiter & The Crescent Moon

So sad I missed the conjunction last night. I bet it was beautiful. It was supposed to have been the best conjunction in years!

other-worldly posts

[image source]

In the quest to find other Earth-like planets, researchers have come across 1,091 possible new planets. These new finds are called Kepler Objects of Interest or KOIs, because they were found using NASA’s Kepler space telescope. The research team is extremely optimistic about the project expecting up to 90% of the new finds to be real planets, with approximately 196 Earth-size planet candidates. The project still has a long way to completion though. Confirmation of new planets is a lengthy process that can take anywhere from 6 months to a year.

[Source] National Geographic
